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Weather permitting, growing hardy figs in Ohio feasible
Indiana honors long-time farm broadcaster, Purdue ag dean
Recipes for game birds should satisfy hunters
Black Farming online conference scheduled Sept. 11-12
Ohio migrant workers seek better protection
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Wear disguise if necessary to avoid embarrassment at hardware store
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Hunter injured during ATV rollover when deer anters impale him
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FSA ballots are in the mail
WASHINGTON— The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has mailed ballots for the Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee elections to eligible farmers and ranchers across the country. To be counted, ballots must be returned to the local FSA county office or postmarked by Dec. 7. 
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USDA announces signup for 
CRP and CRP Grasslands
INDIANAPOLIS – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the 2021 signup periods for general Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and CRP Grasslands offers. General signup for CRP will be open from Jan.  4 to Feb. 12; signup for CRP Grasslands runs from March 15 to April 23. Both programs are competitive and provide annual rental payments for land devoted to conservation purposes.
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Ceres offering scholarships
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Penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible early on Nov. 29-30 
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Cargill study finds consumers are rallying around farmers 
WAYZATA, Minn. – A study recently released by Cargill, Inc., found a majority of consumers stand ready to rally around farmers in support of their efforts to put food on tables worldwide in the midst of COVID-19.
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Don’t be defined by past
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Deadline for Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 is Dec. 11
 WASHINGTON – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds farmers and ranchers that the deadline to apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2) is Dec. 11. This program provides direct relief to producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19.
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Tom Griffiths re-appointed to USB
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Former Indiana Soybean Alliance Chair Tom Griffiths, who is a farmer from Noble County, Ind., was re-appointed by USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue to the United Soybean Board (USB) in October. Griffiths will be officially sworn in for service at the annual USB meeting in December, and he will serve a second, three-year term.
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