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Weather permitting, growing hardy figs in Ohio feasible
Indiana honors long-time farm broadcaster, Purdue ag dean
Recipes for game birds should satisfy hunters
Plevna Implement Co. will celebrate 75th year in Kokomo
Iowa farmers trying to salvage crops, plan for next growing season in wake of derecho
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Lee Pitts offers his Christmas wish list 
When the COVID pandemic first hit I didn’t think it would last long, after all, it was made in China. But here it is almost Christmas and I’m still living like a dog... all day long I wander around the house looking for food, my wife has to keep telling me, “Down boy,” and I get all excited about going for a ride in the truck. This Christmas I don’t want another stimulus check from our bankrupt government or another lecture by Dr. Fauci about washing my hands. Here is a list of what I DO WANT this COVD Christmas:
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University holding drought
management series in N.M.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A record-breaking winter storm brought much needed precipitation to most of New Mexico recently, but forecasters are warning that drought conditions are expected to persist at least through February as the odds are leaning toward a drier than normal winter.
New Mexico State University will be hosting a series of virtual sessions for farmers and ranchers on drought management and the water outlook starting next week. The first will focus on southern New Mexico and others are being planned for northern and central parts of the state.
The latest drought map shows about two-thirds of the state classified as being in extreme or exceptional drought.
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USDA’s food box program extended through end of year
Following last week’s feeding frenzy of USDA reports and the GDT, dairy markets were somewhat starved this week. The good news from the previous week was USDA’s announcement extending the Farmers to Families Food Box program through Dec. 31, though Congressional agreement on another stimulus package had not materialized. Meanwhile, the third quarter U.S. gross domestic product was up an astounding and more than expected 33.1 percent.
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November average temperature falls one degree every 50 hours
The trails I made led outward into the hills and swamps, but they led inward also. And from the study of things underfoot, and from reading and thinking, came a kind of exploration of myself and the land. In time the two became one in my mind. -- John Haines
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Farmer gives face lift to outhouse
STRAUGHN, Ind. – Not once has Phil McBride used the outhouse on his farm to answer Mother Nature but he felt it was definitely worth saving.
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Who will be eating turkey this Thanksgiving? It’s a guessing game
(AP) — For the turkey industry, this Thanksgiving is a guessing game.
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5-year registrations approved 
on two dicamba products
BROOKLET, Ga. – The EPA announced Oct. 27 the approval of new five-year registrations for two dicamba products, and extending the registration of an additional dicamba product.
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Corn growers supporting Illinois NGFA for greater octane for fuel
PEORIA, Ill. — Corn growers from Peoria to Moline and beyond are lining up in rows to support Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos’ Next Generation Fuels Act (NGFA), which leverages greater fuel octane to reduce carbon emissions in U.S. vehicles to increase demand for biofuels and improve air quality.
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FFA elects new officer team during virtual convention
INDIANAPOLIS – The 93rd National FFA Convention & Expo may have been held virtually this year, but numbers indicate that many members across the country enjoyed the event. There were more than 217,415 viewers and participants. 
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Canceled rodeos, livestock shows raise alarm bells for the future
For years, animal rights activists, environmental extremists and the Hollywood elite have targeted livestock producers and our way of life.
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