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1957: Illinois rancher’s second bull in three years dies at expo
55 years ago
A Johnson County dairyman, Paul Canary of Franklin, was named “Indiana Dairyman of the Year” at the annual meeting of the Indiana State Dairy Assoc. at Purdue University. Canary, owner of an outstanding purebred Jersey herd, received the association’s leadership scroll at a luncheon, presented by its president, Darius Kingen of Muncie.

Thieves ransacked the kitchen of a Rush County home belonging to Mr. and Mrs. William Dearinger, who discovered the break-in when they returned home. Missing were an electric skillet, an electric mixer, dish towels, all the contents of the refrigerator and several articles of clothing.

Eileenmere 1425, three-time champion Aberdeen-Angus, died of pneumonia at the International Livestock Exposition, despite the oxygen and antibiotic that were used. The bull was considered worth $50,000 and was the second bull J. Garrett Tolan Farms of Pleasant Plains, Ill., has lost at the exposition, as a $35,000 bull perished in 1955 of a similar ailment.

40 years ago
Purdue’s livestock judging team “won the battle but lost the war” to their neighbors to the west, the University of Illinois, at the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago. The Illinois team scored 4,611 points out of a possible 5,000 to win.

Purebred Yorkshire & Hampshire boars – big, excellent quality, ready to use. Good selection. Will select and deliver to please. Contact B. Parker Newsom, Columbus, Ind.

Recent livestock-judging winners from the Keystone International Livestock Exposition Harrisburg, Pa., were The Ohio State University, first place, and Purdue in second place. At the Eastern National Livestock Exposition at Timonium, Md., the University of Illinois placed first and Purdue placed second.

25 years ago
Vandals destroyed 6,000 Christmas trees on the Melvin and Dolores Kulwicki Christmas tree farm near North Liberty, Ind., in St. Joseph County. The vandals cut off the tops of their trees, which ranged in height from 1 to 4 feet. The Kulwickis will now have to replant and wait five years before they will see a crop. The three acres of trees vandalized will need to be removed – they consisted of Scotch, white pine, fir and spruce.

Harry L. Pearson will be the new president of the Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. and Donald E. Henderson will serve as its vice president. Both men were voted in overwhelmingly at the annual convention in Indianapolis. Pearson is a native of Hartford City and Henderson, of Henry County.

Demand was poor and attendance was light at the past White River Valley Feeder Auction Assoc. feeder pig sale. The top price paid was $102, while the average price per head was $34. The sale grossed $35,479. There were 1,038 head sold.

10 years ago
For sale: 1994 Case IH 595, 55 HP, FWA diesel with 2255 loader, 3,400 hours, $14,000; Oliver 1900. 471 GM diesel, standard, PTO, RARE, $4,800; 45 x 102 Trailmobile semi trailer, $2,800; 1994 Volvo Daycab conv., tandem, air ride, CAT 9-speed, $6500 – Dillman Enterprises, Peru, Ind.

The Indiana-Illinois Farm Show will be in the newly renovated West Pavilion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds this month. The building has new lighting, restrooms, heating system, flooring and front lobby, states Show Manager Richard Sherman, with about 350 exhibitors expected at this year’s event.

Indiana’s second pari-mutual horse track began its first run this month, just meeting a deadline set by state officials for a December start date. Indiana Downs started its first Standardbred harness race at the new facilities located just off Interstate 74.