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Port of Monroe revitalization brings new opportunities for Michigan Ag
By Doug Schmitz
Iowa Correspondent

ST. JOHNS, Mich. – Thanks to federal, state and local funding, there are big things underway for the revitalization of the Port of Monroe, which includes developing the Michigan Maritime Gateway, the first maritime container terminal in Michigan.
According to the Michigan Soybean Committee (MSC), the Michigan Maritime Gateway, a state-of-the-art facility, will serve as a modern border entry point, revolutionizing logistics in the region and granting unprecedented access to global markets.
“We are looking forward to collaborating with the Port of Monroe to identify strategies that can be used to integrate agricultural commodities into their operations,” said Ben Steyer, the committee’s CEO.
“This partnership signifies an exciting opportunity to enhance the efficiency and diversity of the Port’s activities, while bolstering support for local soybean farmers,” he added. “Together, we aim to explore innovative solutions to optimize logistics and foster economic growth within the agricultural sector and the broader community.”
“The Michigan Maritime Gateway container terminal will utilize the most modern container inspection equipment necessary to scan and inspect international shipping containers,” Sam Hankinson, Port of Monroe port development coordinator, told Farm World.
He said the Port Infrastructure Development Program work (as part of the Lake Erie Renewable Energy Resilience Project) includes rehabilitation of the existing riverfront dock; construction of a second riverfront dock; rehabilitation of the existing turning basin dock; rehabilitation and construction of the new ‘Maritime Readiness slip’; and installation of shore power.
“Both projects are separate but once complete will enhance the capabilities and efficiencies the Port of Monroe offers,” he said. “Investment in existing operating areas and the construction of new spaces will allow the port to designate different areas for specific cargoes.”
Hanna Campbell, MSC demand specialist, told Farm World Midwest agriculture has an opportunity to directly benefit from the revitalization of the Port of Monroe.
“The Port is directly connected to the Great Lakes Saint Lawrence Seaway system that links all five Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence River,” she said. “Monroe’s new state-of-the-art facility will serve as a modern entry point, revolutionizing logistics in the region and granting unprecedented access to global markets.
“Containerized agricultural products, like specialty soybeans, will be offered an efficient and local export point into a diverse set of markets,” she added. “Diverse markets and more efficient shipping will help to support Midwest farmers and increase the ability for Michigan agriculture to compete in the global market.”
Located 25 miles south of Detroit, the Port of Monroe is Michigan’s only port on Lake Erie, according to committee officials.
“The Port’s proximity to both Detroit and Toledo markets, coupled with its convenient access to rail and major highways, highlights not only the massive potential for growth, but also the important role the Port plays in the Great Lakes shipping system,” committee officials said. “The Port is currently undergoing large improvements that will allow it to capitalize on this potential.”
The Port was a recipient of a 2022 Port Infrastructure Development Program grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. This grant will be utilized to improve port operations by rehabilitating existing facilities and constructing new infrastructure.
The Port Infrastructure Development Program award represents the largest single investment in the Port of Monroe’s infrastructure since its inception. Between all current projects, over $30 million in federal, state and local funds will be spent to improve the Port’s infrastructure.
Hankinson said, “The construction of the Michigan Maritime Gateway will make Monroe container-capable for any partner that wants to achieve new supply chain efficiencies, so our focus is to give Michigan agricultural stakeholders a new service offering.”
He said the construction of a new maritime container terminal in the state brings a new service offering that has never existed in Michigan.
“By bringing the new container terminal online, the Port will be able to service the specific needs of different agricultural stakeholders in the state of Michigan,” he said. “The ongoing construction of the terminal will hopefully start conversations for how the Port of Monroe can contribute to Michigan’s agricultural industry.”
Steve Peach, a Plymouth, Mich., soybean farmer and MSC’s liaison to the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance in Mankato, Minn., recently had an opportunity to tour the Port of Monroe.
“We had an opportunity to explore the potential benefits of increasing the Port’s capacity for handling of agricultural products if a container facility is built,” he said. “Specialty products, including soybeans, that require containerized shipping to Europe, the Middle East, Africa and other markets, could take advantage of the Port of Monroe as an efficient and environmentally friendly shipping option.”
As this project continues to develop, the Port of Monroe and Michigan farmers are discussing how this new facility can work to support the state of Michigan’s diverse agriculture industry.
“The Port of Monroe holds untapped opportunity for Michigan’s agriculture industry, and we are excited to work with the Michigan Soybean Committee and Michigan agribusinesses to leverage our infrastructure to create new supply chain solutions for Michigan-grown agricultural products,” Hankinson said.
