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UK alum named new chair of 
agricultural econ department
LEXINGTON, Ky. – The UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE) announces the appointment of alum Aslıhan Spaulding as the new chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics, starting on Sept. 1.
“We are very excited to have Dr. Spaulding in this new role,” said Nancy Cox, dean of CAFE. “This is an important time for the department, with a chance to review and refresh programs that serve our citizens and our students.”
Spaulding said, “I am excited to return to UK as the chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics. During my seven years of graduate studies at UK, the department became my second home.”
Spaulding brings extensive academic and leadership experience to her new role, having previously served as the interim chair of the Department of Agriculture at Illinois State University, where she also served as interim chair of the Department of Economics during the 2022-2023 academic year. Her teaching portfolio includes courses such as Strategic Agribusiness Sales, Food Industry Marketing and Strategic Management, Computer Applications in Agriculture, Agriculture and the Environment, and Microeconomic Concepts in Agricultural Economics.
Spaulding’s research has extended the body of knowledge across the food supply chain with work that contributes to our understanding of how farmers and consumers make decisions and how students’ personality traits and learning styles impact their performance. Much of her work utilizes survey methodology. One of the reasons her impact is so pronounced is that she not only does the research but uses the findings to help professionals improve their careers and students gain up-to-date insights.
Beyond academia, Spaulding has engaged with industry partners and international organizations, including the World Bank. Her dedication to advancing agricultural economics is evident in her success in securing external grants, including a significant grant from the USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program.
“I am committed to empowering students who will go on to make positive, lasting contributions to their profession and the world, “Spauling emphasized. “I hope to contribute to enhancing the department’s reputation on regional, national, and international levels.”
