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10-year 4-H member appreciates variety of activities program offers
By Michele F. Mihaljevich
Indiana Correspondent

ALBION, Ind. – Grant Lake, a 10-year 4-H member from Noble County, Ind., said nearly everyone can find something they enjoy doing in 4-H because of the wide variety of projects and activities.
“I would definitely recommend 4-H to anyone who wants to be involved in the community and likes doing fun projects/activities in and with the community,” he explained. “I got involved with 4-H because some of the projects we could do looked fun. My parents aren’t farmers, but my grandparents are. I was interested in joining because of the experiences I could get.”
Lake is the oldest sibling in his family. He started in Mini 4-H in first grade, and in 4-H in third grade. His younger brother is also in 4-H.
He’s been in models for several years, and in both ATV and petroleum power/tractor maintenance for 10 years. He’s participated in Do You Own Thing for eight years and junior leaders for six years.
With Do Your Own Thing, youth may make a display on anything of interest to them that does not fit in any of the other project categories, according to Purdue University Extension.
“I enjoy petroleum power/tractor maintenance because of the hands-on learning our club does,” Lake said. “I also like Do You Own Thing. My brother and I have restored several garden tractors and a couple of antique farm tractors.
“I like farming and farm equipment. I like fixing anything I can get my hands on, including farm tractors and trucks.”
Lake plans to attend Universal Technical Institute to study diesel mechanics. He then plans to enter the work force and repair things.
“I will miss doing all the activities with friends and people I know in the community,” he said. “I feel that I’ve gotten a lot of life skills and career-based skills from the program.”
