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Newfields at Indiana state fair
By Michele F. Mihaljevich
Indiana Correspondent

INDIANAPOLIS – Visitors to the 2024 Indiana State Fair will be immersed in art and nature, thanks to the fair’s partnership with an area art institution.
The fair’s theme is The Art & Nature of Fun, presented by Newfields. The 167th edition of the fair is Aug. 2-18 (closed Mondays).
“The art and nature theme reflects our commitment to bringing together the creativity of art and the wonders of nature to inspire and engage our visitors,” Cindy Hoye, the fair’s executive director, said in a release. “We are so grateful for our neighbors at Newfields and are beyond thrilled to bring our community together and create a true Hoosier masterpiece (this) summer.”
Newfields is home to art galleries, including the Indianapolis Museum of Art; the Lilly House, a National Historic Landmark; and gardens and performance spaces, according to the release.
The Newfields partnership isn’t the only thing new for visitors during the 2024 fair.
While many of the new experiences and exhibits will be unveiled later this summer, LeRoy Lewis III, the fair’s director of community and media engagement, told Farm World, “a few that we are very excited about are a new permanent outdoor splash pad in the Family Fun Park and an outdoor basketball court on the north side of the campus.”
The fair’s concert lineup will be announced in June, he said. The fair will host a free concert daily. Local entertainment at the fairgrounds will include the Wine Garden, the Backyard Brats & Brews area, and Pioneer Village.
The Featured Farmers program returns for the ninth year. Every day of the fair, visitors can attend a live chat at 2:30 p.m. in the Glass Barn with that day’s featured farmer.
“This platform is an incredible way for us to celebrate our Hoosier farming families and tell the story of the important work they do every day,” Lewis said. “Our mission at the state fair is rooted in celebrating all things agriculture and helping connect fairgoers to the farmers helping to feed the world, and ultimately educating them on where their food comes from.”
Agriculture can be found in all aspects at the fair, he said.
“From our educational exhibits that have become family traditions, including Little Hands on the Farm, to Pathway to Water Quality, to Pioneer Village and the Glass Barn,” Lewis said. “There is agriculture at every turn during the state fair, and something for everyone. Our livestock barns are full of the hard work put in by thousands of 4-Hers throughout the summer. We truly couldn’t put the state’s largest event on without our incredible ag partners as well.”
For more information, including ordering tickets, visit
