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Suffolk Sheep weekend planned for Springfield, Ill.
The United Suffolk Sheep Association (USSA) is sponsoring the second annual Suffolk Event, June 7-9, in Springfield, Ill. This is an opportunity for Suffolk enthusiasts to all come together but is open to any sheep producer or those interested in getting started in raising sheep. Fifteen educational programs will be offered for adults and six for youth. Educational sessions will take place on June 7 at Land of Lincoln Community College and on June 8 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds.
The National Suffolk Sale will be at the fairgrounds on June 8. A sale preview will be the night before, where participants will be able to view the sheep and vote on the sale order. “Decisions and Desserts” will be a unique opportunity to socialize and provide input into the sale order.
The evening of the 8th, the Hall of Fame Banquet, featuring a lamb dinner, will be at the Crowne Plaza. Three Suffolk breeders will be recognized and inducted into the USSA Hall of Fame.
The Junior Suffolk Show will take place the morning of the 9th and will feature some fun activities for youth. The theme for the junior show is “Walk the Red Carpet.”
It will be an exciting weekend. Full details can be found at:
