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Indiana State FFA convention is set to begin in West Lafayette
By Michele F. Mihaljevich
Indiana Correspondent

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – More than 2,750 people – Indiana FFA members, advisers, guests – are expected to attend the 95th state FFA convention beginning June 17. The convention runs until June 20 at/near Purdue University.
“Having a statewide convention allows us to celebrate the achievements and growth of our members,” Erin Padgett, Indiana FFA assistant director for youth development, told Farm World. “It is a time for students and teachers alike to renew their passion for FFA and agriculture.
“Members leave inspired after having listened to encouraging keynote addresses and retiring addresses for the state FFA officer team. Our annual state convention is a time for dreaming and setting goals for the upcoming year.”
During the convention, a new state officer team will be elected, as will new district and section officers. Also, winners of all state-level contests will be announced. The state officer elections will be the afternoon of June 20.
Additional highlights noted by Padgett include awarding 412 membes with the Hoosier FFA Degree, the highest degree Indiana FFA can bestow. Honorary members will be inducted. The attendees will hear from National FFA Vice President Kanyon Huntington and keynote speaker Coach VJ (Vera Jo Bustos, a mental performance coach). Current state officers will deliver retiring addresses.
For all the contests and proficiencies, the top four from each area will receive awards. For chapter awards, it’s typically the top 10 in each area, Padgett said.
Members will have several opportunities to participate in the organization’s Day of Service on June 18, she said.
“Indiana FFA will be hosting the Million Meal Movement at Benton Central High School from 1-3 p.m., where 200 members will be packing meals to be taken back to their home communities,” Padgett explained. “From 9 a.m.-5 p.m., members will also be assisting Food Finders at two different Lafayette locations to repack and sort food, as well assist in the pantry.”
Leadership workshops are scheduled for the 18th and 19th. Showcase expos are planned for the 18th, 19th and 20th. General sessions are on the agenda the 18th, 19th and 20th.
“State convention is a wonderful time to meet other members from around the state, connect with friends made at conferences and contests, and to set their sights on new goals,” she said. “Indiana FFA is excited about the 95th state convention and welcoming members, advisers and guests to Purdue University to help us celebrate a fantastic year of growth.”
Indiana FFA had 13,980 members in the 2022-23 school year.
For more information, visit and click on state convention.
