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Kentucky workshop will focus on hay
CARLISLE, Ky —”Producing Hay for Horse Markets: Quality Hay Takes Effort” will occur June 27 at Judge Farms in Carlisle, Ky. The workshop is being presented by The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment
“This workshop will help hay producers better understand what horse owners are looking for in their hay and how to measure quality on their farms,” said Ray Smith, UK Department of Plant and Soil Sciences extension professor and state forage specialist. “Participants will also see innovative technologies, such as seeding pastures using drones, and hear the latest research from the UK Forage Extension Program team.” 
Geared towards enhancing hay producers’ skills, the program will provide practical insights into improving hay quality with a specific focus on the needs of horse owners. The workshop will cover key topics such as effective marketing strategies for hay, innovative methods for seeding alfalfa hay fields using drones and in-field demonstrations on harvesting top-quality hay. 
James Judge, owner of Judge Farms, will showcase how he efficiently utilizes small, irregular fields on ridgetops in northern Kentucky to produce premium alfalfa hay. Additionally, he will demonstrate the latest advancements in drone technology for seeding, spraying and fertilizing. 
For more information about the UK Forage Extension Program and its resources, visit
