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Illinois milk producers donate 17,424 pounds of milk for Dairy Month
Illinois Correspondent

GENEVA, Ill.  — The Illinois Milk Producers Association (IMPA) presented a significant milk donation at the Northern Illinois Food Bank (NIFB) in Geneva on June 6 in honor of Dairy Month. Illinois dairy farmers donated 17,424 pounds (34,848 combined servings) to three local food banks in a continuation of IMPA’s efforts to support communities experiencing food insecurity while providing fresh, healthy produce to families and individuals facing hunger. 
The NIFB hosted a joint press conference with the IMPA to announce the donation and kick off Dairy Month. Speakers included Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns, NIFB President Julie Yurko, IMPA Board Member Mark Tuttle and a representative of Prairie Farms. A tour of the food bank followed the ceremony.  
“Milk is greatly desired by our neighbors because it provides the valuable nutrition they need to thrive,” said Yurko. “We are grateful for this generous milk donation and ongoing partners joining us in the fight against hunger.”
Tuttle, who farms in northern Illinois, said he came away impressed with the dedication and professionalism of those who operate the NIFB, along with the growing need for nutritious food products by food pantries in many of the northern Illinois communities it serves. 
“The need is unbelievable. They showed us pre-Covid numbers and post-Covid numbers, and demand for food is now twice as much as it was before Covid,” he said. “Something like 90 million meals per year are coming out of the Northern Illinois Food Bank.” 
Food donations for the NIFB come from all over the Midwest, Tuttle explained, though donations from corporations -— the life blood for nonprofit food pantries — are beginning to wane. This is forcing NIFB leaders to purchase some of the food that they are donating to others, lessening their strained resources and diverting crucial funding from other areas. 
“Milk is one of the most requested items when they go out to supply an area with food. It’s a lot of work to haul milk, and it has a short shelf life. (Food pantries and hubs) are getting less food donations and less monetary donations, making this donation very significant. But this milk will go in a big hurry,” Tuttle said. 
In addition to serving 13 counties in northern Illinois, the NIFB is one of a select number of food banks that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) calls on for emergency food supplies during natural disasters. This can put even more of a potential strain on the food hub’s resources. To help meet the increased demand for nutrition, the Kane County Farm Bureau offers volunteers to help fill food baskets and perform various other duties, Tuttle said. 
The donation, which consisted of almost 500 half-gallons of Prairie Farms two percent, whole and lactose free milk, was in partnership with Prairie Farms, Ill. Farm Bureau, Ill. Corn Marketing Board, Ill. Soybean Association, St. Louis District Dairy Council and Midwest Dairy. Donation locations for the milk were NIFB, Central Illinois Foodbank and Eastern Illinois Foodbank.
IMPA is a federation of the four largest dairy cooperatives operating in Illinois, independent dairy producers, allied industry persons and university partners. IMPA has served the Illinois dairy industry since 1933 and represents more than three-fourths of the milk marketed in the state.
Since 2023, IMPA has donated 27,360 pounds of milk to local food banks for a combined 54,720 servings. “Many families are struggling with food insecurity amid rising prices at the grocery store,” said Don Mackinson, IMPA president. “Everyone deserves access to fresh, nutritious food, which is why Illinois dairy farmers came together to once again donate milk to local food banks supporting our communities.”
