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UK Pest Management Field Day is set forJune 27
PRINCETON, Ky. – Registration is open for the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s annual Pest Management Field Day, held on June 27 at the UK Research and Education Center at Princeton (UKREC). The event, tailored for grain crop producers and industry representatives, offers a unique opportunity to stay abreast of the latest research and strategies in pest management.
Due to ongoing construction at UKREC, the day will begin with introductions at 8:30 a.m. CDT at the Princeton First Baptist Church Christian Life Center, 300 W. Main St. Attendees are advised to park in the church’s designated lot at West Market and North Cave streets.
Following the introductions, participants will then travel to the UKREC field plots to explore cutting-edge research conducted by UK Cooperative Extension specialists. This research forms the core of M-G CAFE’s recommendations for managing weeds, diseases and insect pests affecting Kentucky’s corn and soybean crops.
“This event is a great opportunity to learn more about the emerging and ever-evolving pests in Kentucky grain crops and to observe firsthand the extensive range of research being conducted on pest management at the University of Kentucky,” said Travis Legleiter, extension associate professor in the UK Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.
The field day activities will conclude around midday, after which attendees will return to the Christian Life Center for a complimentary lunch. Pre-registration by June 20 is encouraged to help organizers anticipate attendance numbers.
“The Pest Management Field Day is a great opportunity for those involved in grain crops to learn about our latest findings and ways to minimize pest damage,” Legleiter said. “It’s important we stay ahead of the evolving pest challenges to ensure the health and productivity of Kentucky’s crops.”
Participants can pre-register online at