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Illinois FFA members elect state officers for 2024-2025 
By Tim Alexander
Illinois Correspondent 

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – The 2024-2025 Illinois State FFA officers were elected and installed during the 96th Illinois State FFA Convention, held June 11-13 at the Bank of Springfield Center.
The newly elected state officers are:
President: Trenton Payne, of Olney (Richland County); Olney FFA
Vice President: Brody Will, of Teutopolis (Effingham County); Dieterich FFA
Reporter: Sidney Stiers, of Williamsfield (Knox County); Williamsfield FFA
Secretary: Owen Torrance, of Good Hope (McDonough County); West Prairie FFA
Treasurer: Emma Dinges, of Sublette (Lee County); Amboy FFA
The 2024-2025 Illinois State FFA officers were announced near the conclusion of the three-day event early June 13. Payne is the son of Shad and Diane Payne and a 2024 graduate of Richland County High School.
“As a state officer, I want to mentor and inspire members,” Payne said following his election. “My goal is to help them reach their full potential, guide their efforts to becoming the best leaders they can be, and help them find their place in the FFA and the agricultural industry.”
Will, 19, is the son of Duane and Kristy Will. He is a 2023 graduate of Dieterich High School and is enrolled at Lake Land College in the ag transfer program. “As a state officer, I want to add value through intentional conversations, truthful interactions, and most importantly, by being myself and letting members be themselves. I want to provide a platform to spark inspiration and value across Illinois and the agricultural industry,” he said.
The five officers were elected from a group of 10 candidates selected by a committee in late April. Each officer agrees to put their collegiate pursuits on hold for one year in service to the Illinois Association FFA. According to the Illinois State FFA Convention news service, state youth officers typically travel more than 20,000 miles visiting FFA chapters around the state, conducting workshops and meetings, representing Illinois FFA in professional settings and promoting agricultural education. Illinois has elected a State FFA Officer Team since 1929.
In addition, Stars Over Illinois winners were announced on June 12. 2024 Illinois FFA Star Farmer was awarded to Drew Mickey, of Taylorville. The Star in Agribusiness state winner was Ty Robison, of Goreville, and Illinois FFA’s State Star in Agricultural Placement was Waylon Paul, of the Taylorville FFA Chapter. In addition, the 2024 Illinois State FFA Star in Agriscience went to Olivia Shike, of Unity-Tolono.
Illinois Star Awards recognize FFA members who have developed the organization’s most outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), demonstrated outstanding management skills and earned the State FFA Degree – the Illinois Association FFA’s highest degree of membership. Eligible FFA members must also have met other agricultural education, scholastic, and leadership requirements.
The 96th annual Illinois State FFA Convention, with the theme of “United as One,” was attended by more than 5,000 FFA members, advisers and guests. The annual event recognizes achievements of Illinois FFA members, elects the major state officer team, and celebrates agriculture.
Denim-clad convention-goers also enjoyed a number of extra activities including a career fair featuring colleges and agribusinesses, along with an opportunity to learn more about the history of Illinois’ capital city. The sessions featured presentations by National FFA Western Region Vice President Emily Gossett, of New Mexico, and each of the retiring Illinois state officers.
Illinois FFA comprises 42,788 students enrolled in 387 chapters in Illinois. FFA, formerly Future Farmers of America, is a national youth organization of 945,988 student members with a mission of making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Visit for more information.