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Seed Genetics Direct hires sales agronomist and research lead
Robert Waller, PhD., has accepted a position with Seed Genetics Direct LLC as a sales agronomist and research lead, according to Todd Jeffries, the company’s vice president.
Waller received his Bachelor of Science in agronomy and master’s in agronomy/plant breeding from the University of Georgia. He received his doctorate in plant breeding from the University of Illinois.
He worked as a soybean breeder for Callahan Enterprises in 1991 and then became the soybean research director for Mycogen Seeds in 1996. Robert came back to LimaGrain Genetics (formerly Callahan) to lead the soybean program before joining the newly created AgReliant Genetics as a product manager working across the multiple seed brands to help select, evaluate, characterize, and manage the corn and soybean portfolios across five brands.
Waller joined Dow AgroSciences in 2005 as a product development agronomist focusing on corn and soybean and became involved in the characterization and selection of Enlist E3 soybean varieties. Recently, he has worked with the specialty seed company Benson Hill as sales agronomist and with Winfield United as market development agronomist focused on their adjuvant and seed portfolios.
Throughout his career, Waller has been involved in seed and trait licensing working for and with many seed brands across the Midwest. He is excited to become part of the Seed Genetics Direct team to help grow their business and help provide the best products for growers in all the geographies the company works in. He lives in Vallonia, Ind., with his wife Corlette and three recue pets. They have three grown children scattered across Indiana and North Carolina.