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Finalists selected for the Radicle Corn Value Chain Challenge
SAN DIEGO —Radicle Growth has announced the four finalists selected for the Radicle Corn Value Chain Challenge Sponsored by US Corn Farmers, set to take place on October 22 in San Francisco.  
The Challenge sets out to invest a minimum of $1.5M in start-up and growth companies worldwide whose innovative technologies and business models create new uses for corn and long-term sustainable demand for corn production. These companies are expected to be developing new uses for corn that result in replacements for fossil fuel-derived materials with plant-derived materials such as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), drop-in chemicals and plastics, compostable materials, and as yet unidentified products and product categories that could be new areas for corn-derived products to be used.
The finalists are:
Låkril Technologies – Låkril’s bifunctional catalyst enables the efficient conversion of corn ethanol into bio-based acrylics, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional petrochemical methods. This innovation leverages renewable corn resources to produce acrylics, reducing carbon emissions and aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly chemical production solutions.  
Catalyxx – Catalyxx has a unique, proven, and patented green chemistry technology that produces high value long chain linear alcohols from corn ethanol, which serve as crucial intermediate biochemicals to decarbonize the downstream chemical value chain.
New Iridium – New Iridium’s photocatalysis platform empowers the production of low-cost sustainable chemicals, such as acetic acid, from plants and carbon dioxide. While the acetic acid value chain is currently reliant on petroleum, innovations like photocatalysis could enable sustainable production from corn bioethanol.  
me energy GmbH – me energy has developed unique technology enabling Rapid Chargers that generate climate-friendly electricity from low-cost ethanol. me energy’s portable, rapid chargers, powered by renewable energy such as corn bioethanol, can also create a new use for corn.  The stations do not require a connection to the power grid because they generate their own electricity from sustainable bioethanol.
These visionary entrepreneurs will present their pitches to a panel of judges on Oct. 22 at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco. 
“Corn farmers in Michigan and across the U.S. have increased our yields each year on the same land, while decreasing the amount of inputs needed,” said Matt Holysz, president of the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan. “This growth in production means that we have to find new uses and markets for U.S. corn to ensure our farmers can stay profitable – which is why the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan joined the National Corn Growers Association and other state corn organizations to invest in the Radicle Challenge. We are looking forward to seeing what innovative new ideas and opportunities arise from this program.”
The winner of the Pitch Day Competition will receive up to $1M in funding, as well as valuable networking and mentorship opportunities.
