By Susan Mykrantz Ohio Correspondent
WOOSTER, Ohio — Felting, spinning and weaving are just a few of the topics covered in workshops held in conjunction with the 2021 Great Lakes Fiber Show. Celebrating 25 years of fleece and fiber art, the show will be held May 29-30 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster in conjunction with the Great Lakes Sheep Show and Sale. A highlight of the fiber show is the workshops and fun activities during the two-day event. Pre-registration is required for the workshops which also have registration fees, but the activities are free and open to people of all ages. The workshops will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday and 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. Registration opens March 1, and the committee is offering a special price reduction for those registering through March 7. Classes with a registration fee of $45 will be reduced to $40 and classes with a registration fee of $80 will be reduced to $70. The deadline for registration is May 10. Late registrations will be accepted if there is space in the classes, with a late registration fee of $10 per class. Registrations may be made online at, under the workshop tab. For more information contact Saturday workshops include Fun With Succulents; Spinning a Fiber Sample; Flag Hot Mat; Felted Flowers; and Tapestry Weaving on a Small Loom. Sunday workshops include Steeks Unstuck; Choosing & Processing a Handspinning Fleece; Picnic/Market Basket; and Silk Comprehension. Back again this year is the popular series of “Just For Fun” activities available on both days under the Grandstand. These activities are planned with younger fiber artists in mind, but they are open to adults as well. The Great Lakes Fiber Show also features a Wool Fleece Show and Sale, specifically for high quality hand spinning fleeces. The show features a division for white fleeces and a division for natural colored fleeces. Both divisions will have classes for fine, medium, longwool and double coated fleece. There is also a special division for Border Leicester for both white and natural color fleeces from rams and ewes. Spinners may also enter their fiber in the Skein competition. There will be classes for both experienced and novice spinners. There will be classes for fine, medium and bulking single yarn, fine medium and bulky plied yarn, spinners choice of fiber and ply, novice spinners, and novelty yarn in boucle, knot, spiral, slub, cable and spinner’s choice. There is also a competition for finished garments with classes for sweaters, vests, ponchos and raunas, shawls, socks and slippers, garments for babies and children, accessories such as hats, mittens, scarves, cowls, leggings and other items and a category for knitter’s choice including non-wool items and garments not covered in the categories listed. In addition to workshops and demonstrations, the Fiber Show also has vendors spread over five buildings and the outside areas selling raw and processed fiber, and finished items from sheep, alpacas, llamas, angora goats, angora rabbits. For a complete list of venders visit This year, the fiber show includes sheep herding demonstrations and a chance to learn about different breeds of sheep. And you are invited to bring your unfinished projects and join fellow crafters under the grandstand for a Community Spin-in. Bring your spinning wheel, knitting or crocheting projects and spend some relaxing time with old friends and making some new friends.