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Indiana Farm Equipment & Technology Expo to host an Ag Career Fair
By Michele F. Mihaljevich
Indiana Correspondent

WESTFIELD, Ind. – People looking for a job in the agriculture industry should bring their resumes to the Ag Career Fair during the Indiana Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, an organizer said.
This is the first year the Expo will offer a career fair, said Gary Truitt, the Expo’s president. At least 14 companies are expected to attend. The Ag Career Fair is 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 15. The Expo is Dec. 13-15 at Grand Park Events Center in Westfield.
“You can find a job or explore your options,” he noted. “If you need a job now, the companies will be able to conduct interviews on site. If you’re not sure, if agriculture isn’t something you’ve thought about, come and talk to the companies. They can tell you what they’re looking for, the skills they’re looking for.
“We have a pretty diverse lineup – financial institutions, co-ops looking for service people, agronomists, and state agencies such as the Farm Service Agency and Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA).”
The jobs aren’t for on-farm employment, but in the sector that supports agriculture, he said. College degrees aren’t necessary for many of the jobs.
“This has developed into a pretty mixed bag (of companies),” Truitt stated. “If you like working in an office, great. If you like working outdoors, great. We’ve got a job for you.
“Come and learn. Even if you’re in high school and you’re not sure what you want to do after graduation. If you’re wondering what you want to do for the rest of your life. Talk to (the companies) about what they do and how they do it.”
Some companies offer internships or training programs, he added.
Ag Career Fair attendees should visit the Expo floor to find out what’s involved in agriculture, Truitt said.
The idea of the career fair came from the exhibitors, he said. “They’ve all been crying the blues because they don’t have enough people,” Truitt explained. “We’ve got all these people coming together (for the Expo), we thought why not have a career fair. It’s something we’re trying to do as a whim to see if it works. We’re getting a lot of buzz on social media.”
ISDA is sponsoring the Ag Career Fair.
“Agriculture contributes more than $31 billion to the Hoosier economy, so it’s critical that we help the Hoosier ag industry find staff,” Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch said in a release. “We are happy to partner with Hoosier Ag Today to help attract people in this vital industry.”
Crouch serves as Indiana’s secretary of agriculture.
The Ag Career Fair will be a good opportunity for anyone looking for a new career or to continue their career in agriculture, Bruce Kettler, ISDA director, said in a release. “We know that labor is an issue statewide and especially within certain agriculture sectors. I am excited for Hoosiers and agri-businesses to benefit from this unique career search opportunity.”