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Everyone is subject to false messaging these days, including farmers
Low water impacting global trade
Dairy Business Innovation Alliance offering grants for Michigan farms
Ag platforms of presidential candidates touted at forum
22 Ohio counties named natural disaster areas due to drought
Maintaining profitability on poorer soils was topic of webinar
Lilly Endowment provides $50 million grant to Indiana state parks
Late summer’s grip grows measurably weaker
See the differences between Eastern and Western cattle
USDA to survey farmers on fertilizer and chemical use
New USDA online market updates publication for Tennessee hay growers
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Welcome to our show
To our Visitors:

Those of you who attended the Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo in 2021 saw firsthand the impressive Grand Park facility and how it truly transformed the old farm show. If you have not had the chance to visit the show in our new home, you are in for a treat. This spacious and modern complex has allowed us to totally transform the Expo into a farm show like no other. The Expo provides an experience that is professional, informative, and relaxed. 
When we started work on the 2022 Expo earlier this year, we faced equipment shortages and labor issues. Yet, as the Expo came together, it turns out we will have plenty of Iron on the show floor along with several new exhibitors and many long term regulars. We have also made some improvements for 2022 including expanded food service offerings.
Speaking of food, if you come to the Expo early, you can grab a free breakfast. On Tuesday, December 13, Indiana Corn and the Indiana Soybean Alliance will present the program “Moving the Pile” beginning at 8:30am. A breakfast will be served to the first 150 attendees. On Wednesday, December 14, Jason Powers with Unbridled Wealth will serve a free breakfast during his 8:30am program “Your Money Your Farm.”
Many of our popular seminar presenters are back again, but new this year is a special program for women. In recent years, we have had more and more women attending the show, and many are land owners. Thus, a special session “Land Issues for Women” has been set for Thursday morning.
The newest feature of this year’s Expo is the Ag Career Fair. To help Indiana companies deal with the labor shortage, we have set up a special area just off the Expo floor. Twenty agricultural companies will be there to discuss their openings and opportunities. If you or someone you know is looking for a job in agriculture or seeking a new high paying and rewarding career, this event is a must. The Ag Career Fair will be held on Thursday, December 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
On behalf of our title sponsors Reynolds Farm Equipment and AgriFinancial, we thank you for visiting the Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo!
Gary Truitt
Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo