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GPFS manager, Ron Bormaster, reflects on success of 41st show
Illinois Correspondent

PEORIA, Ill. — As thousands of central Illinois farmers milled about in the cavernous exhibition halls of the Peoria Civic Center, kicking tires and seeking free yardsticks and rain gauges, Greater Peoria Farm Show (GPFS) show manager Ron Bormaster took a moment to reflect on the success of the largest downstate Illinois farm equipment show, which recently concluded its 41st year in downtown Peoria. 
“We’ve got some great farmers here in this market, and we’ve got some great vendors here in this market. That’s what brings this show together every year,” said Bormaster, who is in his 26th year of organizing, promoting and overseeing the GPFS, which is one of six annual farm shows promoted by Midwest Shows of Austin, Minnesota. 
“I’ve seen this show grow over the years, and every year it has a different ‘flavor.’ It’s been great to see all the changes over the time periods and the differences in equipment and other aspects of farming,” he added. 
Farmers attending the 41st GPFS — which is the longest-running event or trade show in the history of the Peoria Civic Center — were looking for the latest in seed, GPS and sprayer technologies, light-duty tractors and mowers, cattle fencing and tools, among other products. They also found an array of newer vendors, hawking solar panels, hemp products and electric utility vehicles. Many farmers arrived ready to upgrade their equipment and check out new seed hybrids after a mostly profitable harvest, according to Bormaster.
“Over here in Illinois, especially, you guys had great crops. That gets farmers out and ready to buy what they’re looking for, and we always have something for them. We never know what that is, but when they come to the show they’re always able to find it,” he said. 
Farmers were also keenly interested in A.I. technology and autonomous farming equipment. 
“I think it’s becoming more and more advantageous for farmers, if they want to use it,” Bormaster said. “Obviously, there are some who want to be in control of everything themselves, but it’s out there to be used. I think people are becoming more and more knowledgeable about how to use it. Even with drones today, they have sprayers that spray crops with drones. We have two or three vendors here at the show that are doing that.”
In addition to hundreds of exhibitors displaying the latest ag equipment, the 41st GPFS, held Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, featured a 2023 market outlook from DTN analyst Todd Hultman, state-approved pesticide applicator training, multiple promotions and prize drawings. 
For information on the 2023 GPFS or other  Midwest Shows events, visit