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Kentucky fruit, vegetable event is scheduled for early January
LEXINGTON, Ky. – The 2023 Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference will have something for all commercial fruit and vegetable producers. The event runs from 8 a.m. CST until 5 p.m. at the Sloan Convention Center in Bowling Green on Jan. 3-4, with a few pre-conference activities the evening of Jan. 2.
More than 90 speakers will cover both general interest and specialized production topics. A trade show will have more than 60 exhibits for attendees to visit. In addition to a general session, the conference will feature many special sessions, such as beginning and advanced vegetable production, high tunnels, organic production, beginning and advanced fruit production, business management and a cut flower short course.
To complement the popular fruit and vegetable grower roundtable sessions, supplemental conference events include a farmers market short course hosted by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and a farm food safety plan writing workshop with Cultivate Kentucky.
“We have several new sessions this year which we hope will appeal to a wider range of growers or interest those who have been attending the conference for years to consider trying something new,” said Rachel Rudolph, assistant professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Horticulture, who helps with conference planning. “Although we always try to incorporate growers as speakers into the conference sessions, this year is exceptional. Attendees will hear from a lot of growers with a wide range of experiences.”
The event is a partnership between the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Kentucky Horticulture Council, KDA, the Kentucky State Horticultural Society, Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association, Organic Association of Kentucky and Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Communities and the Environment. 
“We are excited to again partner to bring this educational event to our Kentucky growers,” said Cindy Finneseth, KHC executive director. “With such a diversity of educational tracks, growers can really use this information to optimize their production practices and increase profitability.”
Preregistration is $50 and is available online at or via mail by Dec. 16, 2022. After this date, online or on-site registration is $75. A limited number of sponsorships are still available. For questions regarding sponsorship or registration, contact the KHC at 859-490-0889 or For more information about the conference, including a program, visit
