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CAN program helps get food from under represented producers
by Doug Graves
Ohio Correspondent

“Together we CAN make sure no Ohioans go hungry.”
That’s the new slogan from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) as it introduced Ohio CAN – Community + Agriculture + Nutrition. Ohio CAN is a collaboration between ODA, Ohio Association of Foodbanks and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. 
Through this innovative program, historically under represented producers will be able to sell food to the Ohio Association of Foodbanks and the products will then be distributed to Ohioans in need through the 12 Feeding America foodbanks and 3,600 member charities across all 88 counties in the state.
 “With Ohio’s strong food and agricultural base, it makes sense to better link our food producers with communities who need these necessities,” said ODA Director Dorothy Pelanda. “ODA is proud to be part of this collaboration to provide food to those in need from under resourced regional producers.”
 Farmers and producers whose products are grown and produced within 400 miles of Columbus are eligible to apply. Ohio CAN will prioritize historically underrepresented applicants as well as those whose income is derived from a public assistance program.
 “Ohio’s foodbanks are grateful to be participating in this innovative public-private partnership between USDA, the State of Ohio, local farmers, growers, producers, and vendors, and our hunger relief network,” said Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, Executive Director of the Ohio Association of Foodbanks. “It comes at a critical time, when more Ohio families are counting on us to help them put wholesome food on the table. We look forward to supplying hunger relief providers with more local foods to better meet nutritional needs in our communities while supporting Ohio agriculture.”
Products that are eligible for sale include: produce (fresh, frozen or canned), grains, eggs, dairy, meat, poultry and legumes.
For more information about Ohio CAN, including how eligible farmers can apply, go to