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36th Hoosier Beef Congress a huge success
INDIANAPOLIS – The Hoosier Beef Congress (HBC), the largest single state prospect cattle show held in the United States, took place at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Dec. 2-4. For more than three decades, the HBC has played an integral part in developing a passion for the beef industry and agriculture among Indiana’s youth. For many, it is a proud family tradition as many parents of today’s junior participants also showed at this event when they were young.
Top cattle were put through the Breed and All-Star sales on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, almost 600 young exhibitors did their best in the Showmanship competitions. The Junior shows saw about 1,200 cattle sorted over two days by the three judges. The popular HBC tradeshow offered Indiana cattlemen and women examples of the latest in cattle handling equipment, feeds, educational demonstrations and retail shopping.
The live streaming of the HBC continues to grow in popularity for those who cannot be there in person. The videos of the 2022 HBC Showmanship and Junior Shows have been archived and are available for viewing at
“It is the work of the HBC committee, the many volunteers and IBCA staff who have made this event so special, for so many people, for so many years.” said Joe Moore, executive vice president of IBCA.  For complete show results, go to

The Top Five Heifers:
Supreme Champion Heifer-Angus
Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown

Reserve Supreme Heifer-Angus
Houston Ferree, Sullivan

3rd Overall Heifer-Sim Solution
Mercedes Ferree, Sullivan

4th Overall Heifer-Simmental
Hadley Hendrickson, Farmland

5th Overall Heifer-Shorthorn Plus
Houston Ferree, Sullivan 

The Top Five Steers:
Grand Champion Steer-Crossbred
Hadley Hendrickson, Farmland

Reserve Champion Steer-Maine
Remington Brumbaugh, Laotto

3rd Overall Steer-Crossbred
Audrey Rice, Huntington

4th Overall Steer-Chianina
Tyler Patterson, Bloomfield

5th Overall Steer-Chianina
Ross Howard, Monticello
