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Eagles will be celebrated with variety of events at Monroe Lake in January
Spaulding Outdoors
By Jack Spaulding
 Monroe Lake’s Eagles over Monroe event celebrates the reintroduction of bald eagles in Indiana with six days of eagle-related activities.  The event starts with a virtual interview with Lola Nicholson on Thursday, January 26 at 11:30am. She is the director of Raptors Rise Rehabilitation Center. The event will include a tour of the facility, “hospital” building, and raptor enclosures and can be watched at
The International Crane Foundation will discuss cranes in Indiana on Friday, January 27, with indoor presentations at Paynetown State Recreation Area (SRA) at 3:30 and 6:30pm. Register at, for the afternoon session and for the evening session. 
Take Flight Wildlife Education will host two live raptor presentations on Saturday, January 28 at Paynetown SRA. Each is limited to 40 attendees and the cost is $5 per person. Registration is at for the 1:00pm session and for the 3:00pm session.
Children can also stop by the Activity Center between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 28 to make free, eagle-themed crafts.
Sunset eagle watches will be both Friday, January 27 and Saturday, January 28 from 5 to 6 p.m. at Paynetown SRA. Monroe Lake volunteers will have spotting scopes set up to help visitors see eagles and other birds. The sunset eagle watches will be in addition to the self-guided driving tour, which is available every day of Eagles over Monroe. The tour will direct visitors to the best locations around the lake to see bald eagles. Information about the tour is at
Free cocoa and tea will be available at Fairfax’s Big Oak Shelter from 9:45 to 10:45am on Sunday, January 29 for individuals attending birding walks participating in the self-guided bald eagle driving tour.
A guided hike to the remnants of the bald eagle hacking tower, where eagles were released during the reintroduction program, will be on Monday, January 30 at 1 pm. Registration for the hike is at
Al Parker, a wildlife biologist, will discuss the history of Indiana’s bald eagle reintroduction program on Tuesday, Jan. 31 at 12:30 p.m. at the American Legion Post 18, 1800 W. Third Street, Bloomington.
A complete guide to Eagles over Monroe programming can be found at Be sure to check the site for event updates, including any weather-related cancellations.
Waterfowl Workshop 
Indiana DNR’s Division of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) will host its annual waterfowl workshop on Wednesday, February 1, at Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis from noon to 3:30pm.
The workshop is required for all contractors who want to become qualified Water Control Operators (WCOs) and conduct waterfowl trapping, transporting, relocation, or euthanasia for hire.
All first-time WCOs must attend the workshop. All other WCOs must either attend the workshop or test out. To take the test, contact Debbie Walter at or call 812-789-2724, and she will send the test to you. The test will be available to take beginning February 1.
Employees of WCO contractors are welcome to attend the training, but only individuals physically conducting waterfowl trapping, transporting, relocating, or euthanizing for hire are required to attend.
Individuals pursuing qualifying status for goose euthanasia for the first time will also need to provide a certificate of attendance to the Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) goose management course or DFW approved eight-hour equivalent goose course. 
WCOs are not qualified to conduct any waterfowl management activities until all necessary paperwork has been received.
Registration for the workshop must be completed by January 23. For more information on becoming a WCO and to register, contact urban wildlife biologist Jessica Merkling at or 260-244-6805.

2022 Annual Hunting Licenses 
Attention all Indiana hunters—2022 annual licenses are valid through March 31, 2023. The 2023 licenses will go on sale in January. 
To ask about your online license system account, license-purchasing errors, or deer control permits, email or call 317-232-4082

Firewood Permits At Turkey Run 
& Shades SPs
The public is invited to cut up and remove certain downed trees at Turkey Run and Shades state parks for firewood. Trees eligible for firewood have fallen as a result of natural causes or have been dropped by property staff. They are along roadsides or in public areas such as campsites and picnic areas. Permit sales and cutting are available now through February 11.
The cost of one pickup-truck load is $10. All proceeds will be used for resource management and restoration efforts, including replacement of trees in campgrounds and other public areas. A firewood permit for either park must be obtained for each load at the Turkey Run State Park office, Nature Center, or entrance gate between 9:00am and 3:00pm daily. Permits are not available on observed state holidays.
Firewood may be cut up to 30 feet from roadsides in designated areas; however, vehicles are not allowed off roads. The use of tractors, UTVs, and ATVs is prohibited. Wood may be cut and removed between 9:00am and 5:00pm daily. For more information, call the Turkey Run office at 765-597-2635. Firewood cut at Turkey Run or Shades state parks is for 
‘till next time,
Readers can contact the author by writing to this publication, or e-mail to
Spaulding’s books, “The Best of Spaulding Outdoors,” and his latest, “The Coon Hunter And The Kid” are available from in paperback or as a Kindle download. 
