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Livestock programs offered from Illinois Extension
The Illinois Extension service recently released a list of programs being offered throughout the state. 
January 19, 6 PM: Beef Quality Assurance Training, WCC Ag Education Center, Baylis, Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally-coordinated, state-implemented program that provides U.S. beef producers and consumers with systematic information and knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. Contact: Travis Meteer
January 26-27: Driftless Region Beef Conference, Grand River Convention Center, Dubuque, Iowa, The 11th Annual Driftless Region Beef Conference will focus on efficient and economical forage and beef production. This conference includes Extension specialists from Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Contact: Travis Meteer
February 7, 9:30 AM: Dudley Smith Farm Winter Meeting, Christian County Extension Office, Taylorville. The Dudley Smith Farm Winter Meeting will feature cover crops performance, development of grazing farms, soil health recommendations, and drainage practices. Contact: Cassie O’Connell
February 7-24: Certified Livestock Manager Training, Multiple locations. The Livestock Management Facilities Act requires facilities designed for 300 or more animal units to have at least one employee certified in environmentally aware manure management techniques. Facilities with more than 1,000 animal units must have a certified livestock manager attend a workshop and pass the IDOA exam or complete the online training and pass the online test. Contact: Jay Solomon. Sign up for these trainings: February 7, Springfield; February 8, Monmouth; February 9, Sycamore; February 10, Freeport; February 21, Effingham; February 22, Breese; February 23, Pittsfield; February 24, Springfield
February 23, 11 AM: Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale. Illinois Beef Expo, Springfield. For more than 50 years, breeders and commercial cow-calf producers have trusted the Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale for proven genetics. The IPT Bull Sale is known for giving bull buyers the information they need to make positive herd progress. All bulls will have genomic-enhanced EPDs. Contact: Travis Meteer
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