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Ohio Beef Expo scheduled for mid-March
MARYSVILLE, Ohio – Ohio’s premier beef industry event, the Ohio Beef Expo, will celebrate 35 years for the 2023 event on March 16-19 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. The event brings education, breed sales, youth shows, industry retail opportunities and more together in one place.
The Coliseum will be used for all junior show activities. The Junior Show will continue with the Market Animal Show on Saturday and the Heifer Show on Sunday. All Junior Show stalling will take place online, and viaducts will be reserved for OCA BEST sponsors. Remaining viaduct bays will be auctioned online in mid-February.
Nine breeds will host sales during the Expo on both Friday and Saturday.
The Expo Trade Show will continue to host vendors and retailers of all kinds. March 16 will be the opening day for the trade show beginning at 3 p.m.
The Genetic Pathway will provide buyers the opportunity to purchase semen from some of the nation’s leading genetics.
The Official Expo hotel will be the Hilton Columbus/Polaris. A discounted room rate for Ohio Beef Expo attendees will be offered until Feb. 21.
Sponsorships are still available. More information on sponsorship opportunities is available at
Admission to the Ohio Beef Expo is free. Parking is $5 per day and weekend parking passes are $14. For more information on the 2023 Ohio Beef Expo contact OCA at, 614-873-6736 or visit