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Feb. 28 deadline for Indiana farmers to apply for seat on USB
   INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Farmers interested in serving as a director on the United Soybean Board (USB) should submit an application to the Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA), the state’s soybean checkoff program, by Tuesday, Feb. 28.
Comprised of 77 volunteer farmer-directors, the USB oversees the investments of the national soybean checkoff on behalf of all U.S. soybean farmers. All USB directors serve three-year terms. Indiana has four seats on the USB board.
The soybean checkoff program allows farmers to contribute to the market development, promotion, production and utilization of soybeans. The USB farmer-directors ensure the investment of checkoff funds create value for soybean farmers in appropriate programs. USB asks that directors commit to attending three board meetings each year, usually in February, June and December. In addition, directors serve on committees or other subgroups. If appointed, the term would begin December 2023.
Any Indiana farmer eligible to apply must grow soybeans or own or share in the ownership and risk of loss of soybeans. Although the USDA Secretary appoints directors to the USB board, the ISA – as the state soybean checkoff organization – submits director candidate names to the USDA for consideration.
“Indiana is the fifth-largest state in soybean production in the United States,” said ISA Chair Mike Koehne, a farmer from Greensburg, Ind. “Serving on the USB not only helps soybean growers from Indiana, but it also helps us direct checkoff funds for farmers from all over the country. Those who serve on the USB board will learn a lot about innovative projects that make our soybeans a more valuable crop for all soybean farmers.”
Indiana soybean farmers who want to be an ISA nominee to the USB board should complete a background form and a candidate questionnaire.
Visit or send an email to Amber Myers, ISA Board Leadership Manager, at for an application. All application forms must be received in the ISA office by Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023.
