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Everyone is subject to false messaging these days, including farmers
Low water impacting global trade
Dairy Business Innovation Alliance offering grants for Michigan farms
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Register now for Michigan Coffee with Corn webinar series
The Corn Marketing Program of Michigan is hosting another series of Coffee with Corn educational sessions on Zoom. These are opportunities for farmers to learn about a range of important topics and ask questions of expert speakers. Select sessions qualify for RUP credits.
Feb. 7 – Trait Discussion – Matt Poll, sales agronomist with Thurston Genetics (RUP credit)
Feb. 14 – Conservation Programs – Kristin Poley, director of research and agronomy, Corn Marketing Program of Michigan (RUP credit)
Feb. 21 – Drone Applications – Jeff Sandborn, farmer and additional speaker TBA (RUP credit)
Feb 28 – Supply Chain Issues – Aaron Burke, director of sales for central U.S. crop protection at Atticus Chemical
March 7 – Electrification and Diesel Supply – Matt Smorch, president and CEO of CountryMark
March 14 – Weather – Speaker TBA (RUP credit)
Register online at