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Apple Farm Service donates tractor to Ohio county fairgrounds
Amid the barns, grandstands, and pathways at the Union County Fairgrounds, you might also find a blue tractor making the rounds. A blue New Holland machine was donated to the fairgrounds by the local dealership, Apple Farm Service.
On Jan. 21, Apple Farm Service dropped off a 2023 New Holland T6.160 at the grandstand entrance of the Union County Fairgrounds in Marysville, Ohio. The tractor will be used by the fairgrounds for up to a year with a set maximum of hours.
“We can’t wait to start using this machine,” said Trent Judy, of the fairgrounds. “It’s a great tractor for us to mow our grass and help maintain our track. Having the cab on hot and cold days is going to make chores so much easier.”
The free rental program is a partnership between New Holland Agriculture and Apple Farm Service. The tractor will be available to sell after the rental with a new warranty and discounts for the low hours added to the machine.
“Apple Farm Service is glad to help out the Union County Fairgrounds,” said Kent Holmes, marketing manager. “We believe in their message of fostering agriculture to the community and youth through livestock and other 4-H programs. We hope they enjoy the use of this two-wheel drive workhorse.”
Along with mowing, the fairgrounds plan to use their tractor for fair week prep and the ever-popular NTPA tractor pull.
This summer, make sure to spot the New Holland T6.160 tractor helping out at this year’s Union County Fair. For more information on the Union County Fair, please visit For more information on Apple Farm Service, please visit
