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The best Valentine ever
Verses from Mama
By Sandra Sheridan
 John 3:16“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Everyone wants to be loved. That is why Valentine’s Day can be a bittersweet holiday. Each heart secretly hopes that they will receive a greeting card or some kind of gift. Yet often there are many broken hearts for whom the day comes and goes with no special surprises.
When I was a teenager, I worked at a local confectionary shop. All summer I would sit in a warehouse fashioning beautiful boxes to be filled with mixed chocolates come February. When the month arrived, our little store hopped with customers, each looking for the perfect gift. These, along with fancy cards and other expressions of affection, were meant to celebrate and express love to a sweetheart.
This time-honored tradition makes me think about the oldest Valentine ever sent. It was written by God. He looked down on His once perfect creation and His heart was broken by the sin that had ruined His relationship with mankind – a sin that brought death.
Knowing there was only one way to restore this connection, He sent His only Son, Jesus, Who bore the consequences of our sin by dying in our place. This act of love allowed all who believe to be brought back into a relationship with Him for eternity.
Throughout the Scriptures, God writes words of love to His children. These “Valentines” are ours for the taking every day of the year if we only open the Bible and read.
So, whether or not you get a fancy heart-shaped box of candy and special card this year, remember that God’s message of love and His gift of eternal life is just for you if you will only receive and believe.
Now that is the BEST Valentine ever!
