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Ohio Holstein tour is set for July 13
BIG PRAIRIE, Ohio — The Ohio Holstein Association Summer Breeder Tour will be held at Velvet-View Farms, The Schlauch Family in Big Prairie, Ohio, on Saturday, July 13. The schedule of events is as follows:
 10:30 a.m. – Cattle and facilities open for viewing. 
Noon. – Lunch. RSVPs strongly recommended by Monday, July 8. 
1 p.m. – Speaker Emily Mullen of Mullen Dairy and Creamery will share ideas on value added and agritourism
2 p.m.—Cattle and facilities available for viewing.
Velvet-View Farms milks 30 high type registered Holsteins with a current BAA of 113.3. The herd is housed in large comfort stalls and milked in a step-up, walk through parlor. In 2010, the Schlauchs began processing their milk into yogurt and have recently added ice cream. Currently 70 percent of their milk is used to produce their own products. Those products are sold throughout Ohio from a self-serve area on the farm to a local ice cream parlor to the food service industry in colleges and universities.
Recently the farm has opened n IVF satellite facility for Gen Ovations.
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