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UK corn, soybean, tobacco field day is set for July 23
PRINCETON, Ky. – The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment will offer the 2024 Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day July 23 at the college’s Research and Education Center farm in Princeton.
“The Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day provides a great opportunity for farmers and others in the agricultural industry to interact with UK Extension and research specialists,” said plant pathology professor Kiersten Wise, who will be giving a rundown on corn disease concerns. “The field day is a fantastic opportunity to obtain updates on the latest research and hot topics affecting Kentucky agriculture.”
Three tours, each lasting two hours, will run concurrently, and participants will have the opportunity to participate in two of the tours. Educational Credits will be offered for each tour. Pesticide applicators and Certified Crop Advisers credits are pending.
Sign-in begins at 7:15 a.m. CT, with wagons rolling at 8 a.m. The free field day includes lunch, sponsored by the Kentucky Corn Growers Association, Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board and Altria Client Services.
Participants will have the opportunity to delve into a variety of topics, including: 
- Corn disease concerns for 2024 
- Familiar and new soybean diseases to look for in 2024 
- Insect updates 
- Corn and soybean variety trials 
- Weed control in 2024 and beyond 
- The “Weather Alert” app 
- Maximizing corn yields following a cover crop 
- Tobacco research updates from the University of Tennessee
- Sulfur fertility in tobacco 
To register, visit For more event information, contact Colette Laurent at