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Franklin State Forest closed to the public during investigation
NASHVILLE – Public access to Franklin State Forest is currently restricted as the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) investigates vandalism and theft of Division of Forestry (TDF) equipment in the forest in Franklin County.
TDA’s Agricultural Crime Unit (ACU) is working with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security, and local law enforcement to arrest those responsible for vandalizing TDF dozers and a transport truck, leaving the equipment with costly, extensive damage.
Sometime during July 12-14 vandals bypassed a secured gate at Franklin State Forest and ruined five TDF dozers and damaged one transport truck. In addition to spray painting threatening messages, they stole equipment, slashed tires, cut wires and hoses in engine compartments, broke windows, and tampered with fuel tanks.
“The extent of damage to this state property is shocking, and the cost to taxpayers is expected to be equally staggering,” Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “We are thankful no employees were hurt and urge visitors to always be aware of their surroundings and report anything unusual they see while visiting state forests. While ACU special agents and other law enforcement officers are on site investigating, Franklin State Forest will remain closed to protect public safety and to secure evidence.”
If anyone has information related to the thefts and vandalism at Franklin State Forest, please call 844-AG-CRIME (844-242-7463) or email To learn more about timber harvesting on state forests, visit
