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KDA, Special Olympics, promote Sunshine Class for special needs youth
By Doug Graves
Ohio Correspondent

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is teaming up with Special Olympics Kentucky to spotlight the Sunshine Class at this year’s Kentucky State Fair, which runs Aug. 15-25.
This inclusive program offers special needs youth a unique opportunity to experience the world of agriculture by showcasing livestock in a show ring.
“This is an opportunity for special needs youth to have the same opportunity as other youth to get in the livestock ring and work with an animal,” said Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell. “We want this event to grow. We would love for more individuals to have that connection with the agriculture industry and really light up the ring with their presence.”
There are 49 registered to participate at this time.
“What we’ve expanded this to now is families that aren’t in agriculture and would never get this opportunity to be next to a lamb, or be able to touch them, interact with them, to give them a hug…it’s something special, and it’s hard to express all the joy that something like this gives me,” Shell said. “I tell everyone that you’ve never been loved until you’ve been loved by a special needs person. It’s just pure.”
With the Sunshine Class, each special needs youth works with a mentor to exhibit the animal in the show ring. Most often lambs are the animal of choice during this event due to their gentle nature, their ability to be led by a halter and their size. The amount of handling done by the exhibitor is based on their ability and comfort level.
At the end of the show, every participant receives a purple championship banner, emphasizing the inclusive and celebratory spirit of the event.
Warren Beeler, KDA deputy agriculture commissioner, is credited with spearheading the Sunshine Class initiative.
“The class gives an opportunity for special needs kids to be really special,” Beeler said. “It’s an amazing event. With the Sunshine Class, everyone can participate regardless of mobility. Many people are afraid that participants may be intimidated, but no matter their level of mobility, they will be able to compete. We’ll do whatever is necessary to get them in the ring. Everybody gets a banner. They’re all winners. Once you’ve seen this event you’ll come again. You can’t sit through the Sunshine Class and not smile all over yourself.”
Special Olympics Kentucky President/CEO Trish Mazzoni is anxious to extend another opportunity to the many special athletes there are in the Commonwealth.
“We’re excited to be working with Commissioner Shell and the Department of Agriculture in supporting the Sunshine Class,” Mazzoni said. “While our Special Olympics athletes excel on the playing field every day, the Sunshine Class will provide another opportunity for the athletes to showcase their abilities and excel in another arena.”
The Sunshine Class will take place on Aug. 22 at the Kentucky State Fair’s Broadbent Arena. The event is free to attend with fair admission.
There are 120 counties in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and more of those are now hosting events for those with special needs at the county level.
The Boone County Fair in Burlington had its Sunshine Day 2024 at last month’s fair, giving those participants a memorable 4-H county fair experience. Special needs youth and their families were invited to enjoy a free day of fun carnival rides and food, games, face painting, Cloverdale tours, pony rides, a livestock show and more.
“It’s a joy to witness these unique families, coming together to create happy fair time memories,” said Cathy Fellows, Boone County 4-H extension agent. “Sunshine Day is a team effort, and we appreciate all the contributions in making this a successful event.”
The livestock show at the Boone County Fair gave participants an opportunity to learn about different farm animals including rabbits, chickens, sheep and goats. Kentucky 4-H volunteers helped facilitate the activities and worked closely with the special needs youth and families.
“Events like Sunshine Day are awesome,” said Siona Callahan, Boone County 4-H Livestock Club member and event volunteer. “I too have special needs, so I see a younger version of myself when we are helping the special needs children have a memorable experience that’s comfortable for them.”