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Michigan ANR Week touts 2-day Choices Conference

Michigan Correspondent

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Making better food choices is one step to a healthier lifestyle. It also is the focus of the 2009 Choices Conference at Michigan State University March 11-12.

The 2009 conference focuses on healthy and environmentally friendly food that is affordable and convenient. The two-day conference features a variety of informational workshop sessions and presentations from speakers at the MSU Kellogg Center. It is just one of dozens of activities offered during the university’s Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Week, which runs March 6-14.

Conference Coordinator Melissa Lonsberry said organizers have put together a lineup of speakers and workshops that offer information for everyone.

“Participants can expect to leave this conference with useful information from keynote speakers and workshops that can be applied to their work back home,” she said.

“At the end of the conference, individuals will feel energized from a stimulating professional development experience that provides great food.”

Workshop session topics include obesity in children, vegetarian dishes, increasing access to fruits and vegetables at home, healthy foods in hospitals and schools and cooking for one or two people. Many sessions offer CEU opportunities for educators, health care professionals and nutritionists.

Speakers include Wynne Wright, co-editor of The Fight Over Food: Producers, Consumers and Activists Challenge the Global Food System; Anthony Geraci, director of food and nutrition for Baltimore Public Schools; Cynthia D’Amour, author of The Lazy Leader’s Guide to Outrageous Results; Joanne Ikeda, founder of the Center on Weight and Health at the University of California-Berkeley; and Joseph Durochowski, executive director for the NPD Group, Food and Beverages Service.

Meals will be provided and prepared by the award-winning Kellogg Center staff and will feature a variety of Michigan food products such as dried cherries, apples, maple syrup and ice cream from the MSU Dairy Store. Michigan wine and beer will be available at an additional cost.

Full conference registration is $175 and includes three meals on March 11 and breakfast and lunch on March 12.

Single-day registration is $90 and registration for dinner only on March 11 is $50. Early registration ends Feb. 27 and all registration fees increase by $25 after that date. One lucky early registrant will receive a one-hour telephone consultation with keynote presenter Cynthia D’Amour. Visit to register online.

ANR Week features a variety of seminars, including educational programs ranging from conservation stewardship training to a food safety program for cider makers, and educational sessions focused on cheese making, forages and beekeeping. In addition, ANR Week is the setting for many annual meetings and conferences such as the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders, with meeting and shows March 6-8; the Michigan Wildflower Conference from March 8-9; the 81st Michigan FFA Convention from March 11-13; the Michigan Barn Preservation Network Conference from March 13-14 (see related article); and the Michigan Herb Associates Annual Conference from March 11-12.

Other events include the Michigan Organic Conference from March 6-7, the Quiet Water Symposium on March 7, a therapeutic gardening conference on March 14 and the Spring Goat Day on March 14. For a complete list of ANR Week activities, visit or contact Program Coordinator Megghan Honke by e-mail at or call 517-353-3175, ext. 229.
