To keep from having a greasy meal I always punch my bratwursts 8 times with a fork, place them on a foil-lined baking dish and bake them at 360 degrees for 45 minutes.
Place the water, brown rice, diced tomatoes and tomatoes, okra and corn with liquids into a large pot. Bring to a simmer and stir occasionally to keep the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot. If the rice starts to stick, turn down the heat and stir more often.
After the bratwursts have baked 45 minutes slice them into bite-size pieces and stir them into the pot of veggies and rice. Continue simmering and stir occasionally.
You’ll need to taste a few grains of rice occasionally to be sure the rice is cooked and soft to the bite. You’ll also see the rice has swelled and absorbed the liquids. That’s how you tell when it’s ready to serve.
Since the liquids have mostly been absorbed, you can serve this on a flat plate instead of using a soup bowl. If you don’t have enough liquid to suit you, just add some tomato juice or water while simmering for a more soup-like consistency.
The amount of ingredients listed will make enough for a family meal. You can multiply the ingredients and make enough to feed an army or a football team. The leftovers can be frozen successfully and used at a later date.
Readers with questions or comments for Dave Kessler may write to him in care of this publication.