They pre-sauté the brats or Polish sausages in beer at their home. They do this at medium heat and let the meat simmer until cooked through. The cooked meats are then wrapped in foil and put into the refrigerator, or a cooler with ice.
The chopped peppers and onions are also simmered until soft and the onions are translucent. This can be done in beer or in some vegetable oil. They, too, are wrapped in foil and are put with the meats in the cooler or fridge.
Some convenience stores have low-cost foil grills in wire frames. Eight or nine pieces of charcoal will be enough to heat up the meats, which you take out of the foil wrapping and lay on the grill. The cooked pepper and onions are laid on the grill while still wrapped in the foil.
Their potato salad and baked beans are store-bought, placed in the cooler with ice and served cold in the store containers. The gallon of water is to be used to stop the charcoal from burning so the grill can be safely thrown away in a handy trash can provided by the stadium owners.
There you have it: low-cost, no fuss, no muss … and you are ready to cheer your home team to victory!
Readers with questions or comments for Dave Kessler may write to him in care of this publication.