1 head of cabbage, chopped
2-1/2 pounds new red potatoes, washed and chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1-1/2 pounds smoked sausage, chopped into bite-size pieces
Roasting ears of corn
Salt and pepper
Be sure to use a Dutch oven or other large pot with a lid when you make your boil.
Toss the chopped cabbage, potatoes and onion together and place into the Dutch oven.
Add the smoked sausage in a layer. Lay the roasting ears on top of the sausage. Add water so it’s at least half of the pot full; a little more water won’t hurt. Add the salt and pepper.
Bring to a boil then turn the heat down to a steady simmer. Leave the lid on the pot so the sausage and corn will be steamed thoroughly. Let it continue to simmer for an hour.
Dip out of the pot and serve on the side some sliced red and yellow tomatoes and cucumber slices, which you’ve lightly sprinkled with pepper. Serve with some hot rolls or good bread and butter.
There will be enough to feed a family or small party with this size batch of Midwest boil. It will be good eating, and is economical as well.