Prepare icing mixes following instructions.
Attach house to cake board.
Outline door with black icing; attach candy dots. Outline door window in black icing; fill in with orange icing and smooth with finger dipped in cornstarch.
Outline windows with black icing; add orange icing accents. Attach candy dot window sills.
Spatula ice roof; attach crackers to roof with dots of icing. Decorate house eaves with jellybeans attached with dots of icing. Add orange outline to roof peaks; attach candy dots.
Tint portion of piping gel blue; spatula blue gel “moat” and “pond” on cake board; arrange crackers in the water.
Brush clear piping gel onto open areas of cake board; sprinkle with green-tinted coconut. Arrange candy corn around house with dots of icing.
All materials courtesy of Wilton Food Crafts and Pepperidge Farm. For additional information about Goldfish Grahams, recipes and nutrition information, visit and find more ways to bake, decorate and celebrate, or order the Halloween Cookie House Kit at