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Turkey Pot Pie
Graham Cracker Pie
3-Cheese Escalloped Potatoes
Peanut Power Bowl
Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Peanut Sauce
Peanut Butter Breakfast Bread Pudding
Peanut Butter Squares
Country Ribs BBQ Sauce
Grilled Smoked Sausage & Pepper Hoagies
Deluxe Nacho Dogs
Skyjacker? Cookies
Skinny Cooks

1 sleeve of Oreo Cookies (each package has three sleeves, so you can multiply this recipe to use all if you like) 1/2 a brick (4 ounces) of Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened to room temperature *Dipping chocolate (Cooper bought his dipping chocolate from a local Greek-owned homemade candy store)

Put the cookies into your food processor or blender. Blend the heck out of them until you get a crumby texture, about like grains of sand. Put the cookie crumbs into a bowl and use your hands to squeeze in the Philadelphia cream cheese. Work with it so it’s well-blended. Roll the mixture into balls. I think shooter-marble size would be easiest to work with, in most cases. Put the balls on a cookie tray and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Coat the balls with melted dipping chocolate, cocoa, coconut or chopped nuts. Return to the fridge to let them set up. These will be some of the best cookies you’ll ever taste. Cooper may or may not have worn the rubber gloves when he rolled and coated the cookies. If he didn’t, I ate up the evidence – so he still remains on the lam. *Tip: If you don’t want to mess with dipping chocolate, you can coat the cookie balls with powdered cocoa, coconut or chopped nuts.
