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The package deal – not always a deal
Verses from Mama
By Sandra Sheridan
 The package deal – not always a deal
Exodus 20:17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house . . . or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Christmas is a season we make lists. There are lists of things we need to do, lists of items we need to buy, and lists of gifts we hope to receive. It is easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the holiday, letting our minds dwell on all that is available for the consumer. Often, we forget all the blessings we already have as we greedily consider what others have and what we hope will be under the tree on Christmas morning. But as we let our minds wander down “Hope I Get It” Lane, there is another thing to consider. Most of what we are coveting is a package deal!
Regularly we have people call our office about a cute little cottage that is for sale. When they inquire about the property, the first thing we tell them is that the cute little cottage is part of a package deal. If you want to buy the one, then two other houses come with it. Though this is a wonderful opportunity for someone interested in a larger investment, the average buyer is not interested in owning three houses.
Similarly, the things that we want usually come as part of a package deal. If we desire more expensive “toys” then we have to take pains to protect them because the chance of theft or breakage becomes an issue. Who cares about a couple of dollars, but the big bucks need to be guarded carefully.
Other times we may covet someone else’s position. But that is a package deal too. Extra responsibilities take more time and multiply stress. More stress can cause less sleep. Less sleep can lead to health problems or negative attitudes. Negative attitudes can damage relationships.
One could be tempted to covet someone else’s talents or looks. These, too, come with other baggage. Those who make it “big” in our world are often put into positions where they will be tempted with the sins of pride and immorality. It is hard to stand strong morally in a culture that has a different value system than we do.
So, when you are making your lists this Christmas, think carefully about what you wish for. Remember that our lives should be characterized by contentment and not greed. Be thankful for what you already have and don’t covet. Keep in mind – the things we want often come as part of a package deal.
