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IBCA annual convention date announced

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA) will once again showcase the Indiana beef industry at their 2023 IBCA Annual Convention. The convention and tradeshow will take place at the Indianapolis Sheraton, Keystone Crossing on Jan. 21, 2023.
The Indiana Maine-Anjou, Simmental, Charolais, Limousin and Shorthorn Associations will hold their annual business meetings in conjunction with the state association’s annual event. Following the breed meetings and educational sessions during the day, the convention will feature Dr. Jayson Lusk as the featured speaker.
In the evening, the IBCA will again honor the state’s top cattlemen and women at the annual honors banquet. The program will salute the men and women who provided leadership for the Indiana beef industry over the previous year or during their lifetime.
The convention not only offers producer programs, but the tradeshow also allows stakeholders, allied industry partners and influencers to reach out to the state’s top cattle producers who will be assembled in one place at the same time.
All cattle producers and their families are invited and encouraged to attend this exciting event for a day of fun, fellowship, networking and great food. Producers and stakeholders may register at  More information may be obtained by calling the IBCA office at 317-293-2333.