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Weather permitting, growing hardy figs in Ohio feasible
Indiana honors long-time farm broadcaster, Purdue ag dean
Recipes for game birds should satisfy hunters
Plevna Implement Co. will celebrate 75th year in Kokomo
Iowa farmers trying to salvage crops, plan for next growing season in wake of derecho
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Purdue Extension seeks input from women in agriculture
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Ohio State ATI creates Livestock Judging Team
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Apple Farm Service donates tractor to Ohio county fairgrounds
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The best Valentine ever
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Carbon market needs guidance via 2023 Farm Bill analyst says
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Misheard at a recent bull sale
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Ohio Farm Bureau national award winners
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StoneX predicts dairy herd will decline throught 2023
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Gelato made from goat milk is made possible by grant
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Midwestern farmers could see good planting weather, meteorologist says
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