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Weather permitting, growing hardy figs in Ohio feasible
Indiana honors long-time farm broadcaster, Purdue ag dean
Recipes for game birds should satisfy hunters
Plevna Implement Co. will celebrate 75th year in Kokomo
Iowa farmers trying to salvage crops, plan for next growing season in wake of derecho
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  Stories 4321 to 4330 of 4500
UT ag economist: Heifer prices drop, while steer prices rise
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John Deere announes more job cuts at an Iowa production plant
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Featured Farmers program returns for 167th Indiana State Fair
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Analyzing July cattle numbers after USDA axing inventory report
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Opinions divided on pros, cons of jet fuel made from ethanol
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Delta Aquarid meteors appear July 28-29
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Ohio No-Till Council awards
7 scholarships totalling $5,500
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Deere combine harvested a $100,000 bid at Harmeyer auction
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Most of corn belt has seen rain; but Ohio has some ongoing drought
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Ohio soybeans are part of a slug monitoring project
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  Stories 4321 to 4330 of 4500